Why is it always surf & yoga? Let us tell you why!
Yoga and surfing go so well together and are so mutually beneficial it is crazy. To improve your surfing you need a clear focused mind, a strong, flexible body and good balance. These are some of the benefits from having a regular yoga practice. Apart from the physical practice, yoga is also about mental strengths such as patience, gratitude and non-attachment – something you are bound to learn if you surf in different conditions. The perfect start to a surf-day is to wake up your body moving your spine, stretching and awakening your tired muscles, breathing and preparing yourself mentally for the day. Both yoga and surfing rely on body control, muscle memory and repeating the same movements and perfecting them over time. That requires technique, strength, and practice!

Coming home from a day of surfing the best way to resituate is to tap in to your body, feel the effort you have put in during the day, stretch out those muscles and relax. Maybe visualize the next surftrip and then fuel your body with a good meal. We like to call it pre dinner yoga.
Yoga poses to benefit your surfing will strengthen and stretch areas like shoulders and back - for paddling, think eagle pose, chaturanga, dog stretches and armbalances. Hips, legs and core – for popping up, think warriors, yoga squat, forward folds, locust and boat pose. And finally core and spine for maneuvering the board while enjoying the ride, think any twists, backbends, warriors and balance. You will have a hard time finding a yoga pose that won’t help your surfing – even a handstand might make your surf more fun.

Surfing is an activity where you are constantly active – even when you sit in the lineup and judge the waves to make your move, you are working the core, opening the hips and twisting your spine, so even if you don’t notice, we promise, surfing will help you hold your yoga poses and get deeper into them. For us, surfing has helped us be more patient waiting to see results and to accept that there are good and bad days and finally to enjoy the ride even the crazy crashes and washing machines, they make the good waves that much better and they make for funny stories around the bonfire.
Our top roof terrace is the best place to watch the sun rise and set and this is where we have our yoga space overlooking the ocean and the surf! You are so welcome to join us here – you won’t regret it, but you might become addicted!
This October we have a yoga and surf retreat, so you can experience all this for yourself. Read more and book below!