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DIY yoga mat cleaner

Aaahhh finally the yoga teacher says "lay down flat on your belly", SO nice... except maybe for the smell of feet? Or the thought of "who else used this mat?" We clean our rooftop everyday, to get rid of the dust, but we also like to clean our mats after every class, to keep them fresh and clean for our guests. We use our own homemade natural mat cleaner and below we share the recipe with you.

What you need:

- 1 dl vinegar (you can use normal clear household vinegar or applecider vingar)

- 3 dl of boiled water

- a few drops of tee tree oil

- a few drops of your own favourite essential oil ( we use lavender and lemongrass)

MIx the ingredients in a spray bottle, so you can spray your mat and wipe with a clean cloth. Both the vinegar and tee tree oil are antibacterial and will do the trick. But as previously mentioned, smells can be really distracting, so test your own favourite scents, to make a nice calming cleaner, that agrees with you. Try it out for yourself and let us know how you like it!


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